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My journey

CEO, Since 2009

“Give the world the best and the best returns to you” is the profound thought that I believe in.

As children we have all engaged in pretend or make believe plays. My favourite part was where I used to be the teacher making all my friends enact the role of students.I am amongst the lucky few who gets to live life of her dreams.I aspired to be a teacher right from my childhood and here I am educating children , parents and teachers .

I started my own chain of pre-schools Jumpstart International preschool and learning centre in 2009.Jumpstart is a revolutionising child development centre based on the premise that every child is unique, every child is genius and every child is special.

I believe that education should preserve the uniqueness and skills of every child.Quality personalised education for preschool years can make a difference in how our society will turn out to be in future. What we are at present have their deep roots in our early years. Working at this foundation stage will help develop better adults who would be the future of our world.Investing in first five years will decide how our nation and world’s human potential will be in the coming years.

I believe that if you are doing good; that goodness should reach to more number of people. With 8 centres and goodness spread to more than 2000 children so far, I am on this boundless journey of spreading goodness to more children as I learn ,evolve and celebrate the little things on this journey.

I am proud of the fact that I am contributing to the economy of the country by creating employments for more than 200 women and also helping working more than 1500 mothers to work at peace as Jumpstart takes care of their children.

I feel inspired as I inspire my team. My leadership has always been about perseverance, excellence and support. I am blessed to be bestowed with this humungous responsibility at such a young age and I am grateful for the same.Desire and the right attitude will always pave my way.

Cofounder, Since 2020

“Just one generation of right parenting can change the future of our world.” is what I believe in and I am curiously passionate about.

Parenting is a journey where there is no right or wrong . You embark on the journey without being prepared.You learn through your experiences. There are no real answers and instinct serves as your teacher. However I believe that experts and their years of experience can help as much as instinct to get clarity as you embark this beautiful journey of parenting . The Online Parenting Summit was cofounded with my husband Mr Aditya Tapadia with the mission to redefine parenthood to new age real practical practices.This platform has the best of industry experts , educationists and psychologists guiding parents on their challenges.

I am driven with the  purpose to guide and lead an exclusive parent community on facebook which has like minded parents helping each other to evolve into being better parents making their parenting journey stress free and memorable.

Mother to a 7 year old angel Aarna , I get immense satisfaction as I help and guide parents in becoming a better version of themselves and giving them the tools of clarity as they embark onto their journey of parenthood.

My Perspectives

My Thoughtful Moments

I share ideas, thoughts and observations about parenting and education on my handles
InstagramFacebookYouTube , Twitter , LinkedIn

My top 3 favorite quotes:

The most powerful tool that you have as a parent is YOU

Great parenting is not about perfection ; it is about clarity

It is never about the child; it is always about the adult

Candid moments

I am a Pune bred Indian mompreneur.
“Education” and “Parenting”
are the 2 things that get my instant attention.

Feel free to add me as your connection. Would be happy to connect on…
